About Us

About US

We are a non-governmental organization that envisions a Nigerian society where everyone is aware of the importance of nature and the environment; where everyone is committed to preserving, protecting and conserving natural resources

Our Objectives


Provide a forum for bringing together experiences related to natural environment and clean energy solutions from individuals, institutions and organizations.


Publish and prepare reports, monographs, videos, case studies, and articles in English, Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo or any other language for diffusing environmental information/knowledge.


Conduct and promote research and actions in environment, energy and related disciplines in the interest of sustainability.


Highlight issues of governance, related to the environment and sustainable development, through advocacy.


Publish and distribute literature and educational material; organize exhibitions, competitions, campaigns; establish library/libraries, and acquire information in fields related to environment with the approval of the concerned authorities.


Mobilize/organize and train/enable communities for collective actions to promote sustainable development, and to achieve it through promoting values of civil society.


Create awareness regarding environmental pollution and environmental degradation, and its effect(s) on human health, social set-up and the economy.


Provide interventions to deserving persons for improved energy and environmental conditions.